“I can’t get through his phone, he must be slacking”
“How do we coordinate our work and ensure work is delivered on time?
“I have been working all day, not sure if my team is putting in the same effort.”
“I can’t get through his phone, he must be slacking”
“How do we coordinate our work and ensure work is delivered on time?
“I have been working all day, not sure if my team is putting in the same effort.”
Products fail, processes go wrong, only thing that helps a company win is – People and learning is the magic wand that helps develop high performers & loyalists
A friend of mine, an engineer by profession decided to change his stream to become an artist. I was worried about how he would make the transition and how he would survive as an artist. My worries were quickly resolved after I saw a talk on how people can become what they want if they have fair amount of knowledge and passion. Passion he definitely has and knowledgeable – he obviously is.
I believe that advancement in technology is the way forward. There is no turning back from where we are and I won’t be awe-struck to see a day when there may be a technology to contact God too. Ok! That idea maybe a little too farfetched, but you get the drift. We are progressing in terms of technology and every country is gloriously contributing to that pool and India has done some phenomenal contribution too.
I discovered Lean & Six Sigma a few years back. It was not love at first sight, I gradually started to believe in it and use it. Recently, while being exposed to it through my job, I got familiar with Scrum & Agile and yes, this time I fell madly in love. I got certified in both of them, applied both of them separately in different projects and workshops but at some point of time I started asking myself how and if both of them would work together. Could it ever be possible?
“And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR FREEDOM!”.. said William Wallace in the movie – Brave heart.
One of the first things I remember when I got my new job as a manager is the constant flow of congratulations, emails, smiley faces, likes, endorsements and even a salary raise together with a slightly bigger office.
The second thing relates to the following weeks when I was spending evenings searching, reading and asking about what were the things that I should do differently from what I did as an individual performer.
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In our first article we looked at some key ideas regarding coaching. Now when building a Coaching Culture, there will be certain selling points to consider. Let’s take a look at them. Read more
As Coaching is a development tool that lies at the opposite end of the spectrum to command and control, Coaching culture is an organizational development model that provides the structure that defines how the organization’s members can best interact with their working environment and how the best results are obtained and measured.
As the major skill-gaps they were facing were related with managers or entrepreneurs experience regarding business expansion: not turning vision into specific goals, lack of analytical skills, thinking of the box ( more often inside the box), making emotional decisions, lack of experience in leading major projects, logistics challenges;
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Behaviors and practices change as you move from one town to another. Imagine the kind of differences in practices and etiquette when you go to a completely different country. Take for example the most basic of habits, the way people wash their behinds in different countries. The western countries use a paper roll and the South East Asian countries use water. What-er problem for westerners to come to India or vice versa, isn’t it?