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One of the primary purpose of Performance Management System is an Performance Conversation . It allows the person receiving it know where they stand when it comes to their current performance that in turn enables them to  have clear expectations. As a result, they feel reassured and safe and are more likely to work with their leader towards improved performance and better results.

Your employees are what keeps the company going and hence it is imperative that you keep the employees performing to the best of their ability. One of the most effective and lucrative ways is through frequent performance discussions. Debating on their work performance can only have positive results, which is why it’s so important to incorporate frequent performance feedback as part of how you run your business.

Performance conversations should really begin during the onboarding process. From the very onset, your potential and established employees must know what they’re doing well, where they can approve, and how they can improve on their work performance.

Let us understand the  most common types of Performance Conversations.

Generally, Conversations can be run either “in the moment” or daily based on purpose: Evaluation, Appreciation and Coaching. Evaluation feedback needs to be done “in the moment” to help the person receiving the feedback know where they stand. Appreciation and coaching should be given on a daily basis to help inspire and motivate the person to continue doing their best and improving themselves and their performance.

Evaluation Feedback

The primary purpose of an evaluation feedback discussion is to let the person receiving it know where they stand when it comes to their current performance and to know what they need to do towards improved performance and better results.

Evaluation feedback involves a rating or a ranking. There is often a comparison between other employees and judgment. There is a set of standards where the employee’s performance is compared with and assessed. These standards can be used by you to monitor their improvement and performance against expectations.

Evaluation can be given at a scheduled meeting or on a daily basis.

To ensure a successful evaluation feedback discussion, here are some tips:

  • Set clear expectations with regards to the roles and responsibilities of your employee(s) receiving feedback.
  • Record and monitor employees’ progress and outcomes.
  • Use real-time approach and try to give follow up evaluation within 24 hours.
  • Separate evaluation from coaching and appreciation.

Appreciation Feedback

An Appreciation feedback conversation is what you give when you want to show appreciation or thank the employee for their contribution and performance. It is important to notice and acknowledge their effort to further build trust in your relationship. Encourage the employee to celebrate their success and good performance to motivate them to continue with their progress and growth.

  • Make your appreciation feedback is specific, linked to the receiver’s values and authentic so that your employee knows what exactly he or she did that caused the appreciation feedback.
  • Link the appreciation feedback to the receiver’s values to makes it more effective and personal. It helps your receiver easily accept and understand the feedback and learn more about his or her role and responsibilities in the company.
  • Be authentic each time you are giving it. It needs to be unique to the employee and to the situation so that your employee does not feel like it is just a routine thank you. If they feel that the appreciation is not meant and is not meaningful to their contribution, they will lose interest in striving for growth and improvement.

Directive Coaching

After debating with  the employee where they stand in terms of their performance evaluation or giving them appreciation for the effort they are putting in for their growth and improvement, you may need to move on to giving them solutions during the coaching session.

A Directive Coaching discussion is different from evaluation and appreciation, although it can have both elements. A directive coaching often involves regular and periodic discussions. It requires both pulling and pushing strategies. You can start by appreciating, continue by addressing regular coaching questions based on your chosen strategy; GROW, TGROW, OSCAR etc. Only the solution at the end of conversation( W or R) is an offered solution, and not and asked one – for the employee to understand exactly what to do differently.

The  primary purpose of Directive Coaching is to further inspire the employee and lead them towards continued growth and improvement.

Some of the benefits of directive coaching  include:

  • Increasing employee self-awareness by addressing questions.
  • Preventing them from using behaviors that may hamper their growth.
  • Encouraging them to maintain effective behaviors.
  • Promoting commitment within employees and their work and the organization.

Non-directive Coaching

When we think of subordinates we think of them as their past performance. But where coaching is concerned we need to look beyond and consider potential performance.

As coaches you need to look for hidden potential, as what lies waiting to be discovered. Unless the coach believes that the person is capable of doing better than he is currently doing, he is not going to be able to help them express it.

Irrespective of the tool you might use: GROW, OSCAR, The measurement technique, the Disney Model, Tresures from the past or Future Passing use Coaching to get the best of people. We need to believe that the best is there, but how much is there, how do we get him to perform even better,  is the challenge.

To increase the potential of the employees, coaching as a tool is effectively employed by managers in a workplace. This is a skill that is sought in managers and considered to be important for the development of core competencies in workforce, especially with Performance Review sessions.  In a workplace, coaching is all about bringing positive changes in the behavior of the workforce. It becomes clear to even an outsider that coaching without evaluating the right fit beforehand, meaning maturity of your subordinate is incomplete, and one cannot expect a change in the behavior of a person who needs instructions and not free will and a soft approach of a coach.

Positive Feedback

Positive feedback is a form of evaluation that focuses on your employee’s strengths, talents and accomplishments. When people are offered consistent, actionable feedback, they can gain better insight into their successes and opportunities for improvement. Positive feedback is especially important because it increases morale, encourages good work and helps provide a sense of purpose for your employees.

Negative Feedback

Performance appraisal are often seen as negative experiences or even personal attacks rather than the learning experience that they are meant to be. Hence, Performance appraisal time is tough for both managers and employees. You must take time to write out the appraisal in a professional and educational manner, avoiding emotionally charged or unspecific words that can make learning from the report difficult. This will make the performance review process go more smoothly and in a productive way.

Performance Conversations can encourage your team members to complete goals and objectives. Also help you better understand the strengths and weaknesses of your team, allowing you to build on them and further motivate team members. Continuous feedbacks ensures open communication and awareness.

Performance Conversations  help to create positive learning and growth and is one of the best ways to establish and help strengthen trust between leaders and staff. Regardless of the time and place delivered, it should always be aimed to help improve performance, development, and lead to positive outcomes for both the employee and the organization.

Turning Negative Feedback into Balanced

Performance appraisals often carry a negative connotation, being perceived as personal attacks rather than opportunities for growth and development. To counter this, it is crucial to approach the appraisal process with a focus on fostering a learning experience for both managers and employees.

To ensure a smoother and more productive performance review process, it is essential to invest time in crafting appraisals that are professional, educational, and devoid of emotionally charged or vague language. By providing balanced feedback, we create an environment that facilitates effective learning and improvement. Simply by starting with something positive, before mentioning what needs to be changed.

Engaging in performance conversations not only drives team members to accomplish their goals but also offers valuable insights into their strengths and weaknesses. By leveraging this understanding, managers can effectively capitalize on strengths, motivate team members, and address areas for improvement. Embracing balanced feedback fosters open communication and cultivates awareness, leading to enhanced performance and growth.

By Iulian Ionita

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