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Jugaad – Impact on a growing economy

Innovation is the only way to beat the recession crisis, get jaw dropping bottom lines and create a skyrocket demand for jobs, thereby creating employment. This in turn boosts the country’s economic growth. However, there is only one challenge – you need all the resources and capital support to create innovation – or maybe you just need Jugaad

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Komunikacja międzykulturowa – na wyciągnięcie ręki

Jest taki stary kawał z brodą, który mówi, że “jeśli drzewo spada w lesie i nikt tego nie słyszy, to czy to się wydarzyło?”. Parafrazując to stwierdzenie, jeśli nie będziemy rozmawiać o różnicach kulturowych, czy to znaczy, że one nie istnieją?

Nieustannie otwieramy nowe biura i rekrutujemy coraz więcej zespołów międzynarodowych niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej w historii ludzkości, aby nadążać za globalnymi możliwościami. I to jest powód, dlaczego interakcje międzykulturowe interesują nas coraz bardziej.

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The Romanian IT&C industry, an industry which is continuing its upward trend, currently has around 80.000 specialists. The biggest players are clustered around Bucharest, Cluj and Iasi and they are continuing to recruit local talent. However all of these companies have the same challenges.

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Coaching…different perspective

The IT industry continues to be a booming one. An area that is constantly innovating and attracts the best talents. As this industry continues to grow, apart from the need for specialists in various technologies, there is also a need for people to manage these specialists. Team Leaders, Managers or Project Managers that know how to effectively use the talents and resources of the company.

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How do you prepare an internal development program – part 1

Every company will always have operational challenges. They will always represent a priority because the purpose of every organization is to be profitable. However making a profit won’t always be easy. Internal or external constraints, the market or the level of resources it has at its disposal will always impact this objective. The question for people who are in support functions is how they can contribute to the profitability of the company?

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